Halloween Carnival and Movie in the Park at Doyle Park on Friday, October 4


Time to get the Halloween Haunting season started in University City with the Halloween Carnival at Doyle Park, 8175 Regents Road, followed by a special showing of Casper the movie. Carnival begins at 4 PM; movie begins at dusk (approximately 6:30). Activities include arts and crafts, games, music, and a movie. Bring your own blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks.

For more information about other October events at our local University City parks, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/09/30/halloween-happenings-and-fall-festivities-at-our-parks-in-october-2019/

For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/


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