Fall is here and all is well in University City and the City of San Diego. Well almost! The Padres managed to not make the “play-offs” again and we must watch NFL games on TV…however our SDSU Aztecs are on their way towards another great football season. School is in full swing for our K-12 students…and UCSD has opened to its largest enrollment ever! The Jewish High Holy Days end October 9 with the all-day “fasting” custom associated with Yom Kippur.
[As published in October 2019 University City News print newsletter; to download and read the October issue as a PDF, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/09/26/university-city-news-october-2019-is-now-online/]
City Council and City Mayoral candidates are making their presence known in UC…maybe a bit early as compared to old campaign standards, but don’t forget the California “primary” is on March 3.
This reminds me…UCCA will be electing officers soon.(two-year terms)…so if interested please send an “intent to run for office” with a short bio to: UniversityCityNews@gmail.com. UCCA elections are scheduled to be held at our November 13 general meeting. Todd Gloria, candidate for mayor is scheduled as our guest speaker at that meeting, so come early, get a good seat, and vote for UCCA officers, (if you are a member), and meet one of the leading candidates for San Diego mayor. The UCCA Board welcomes new legislative community liaisons: Justine Murray, (Barbara Bry’s office), Matt Gordon, (Todd Gloria’s office), and Miller Saltzman, (Toni Atkins office). You can meet them in person and have your questions and concerns answered at our UCCA meetings.
Our street medians along Genesee, just north of UC High, got a good cleaning recently…thanks to the Westwood/Irvine Corp…for sharing the costs with us. EdUCate’s Oktoberfest is the big community event for this month…Be sure to be there and support UC’s public schools. Standley Park will sponsor a fun Halloween party for our kids on Friday, October 25, check page 9 of print newsletter for details. And of course planning for the community “Dinner with Santa” and Tree/ Menorah Lighting on Friday, December 13 is underway.
Being that much of University City is surrounded by natural canyons, and we now live in a 12-month fire season. UCCA’s Newsletter Editor, Jemma Samala, is researching what other communities in San Diego County have developed in the way of a Community Fire Council. Jemma will be providing information about the organizing and focus of such a council in UC at our October 16th UCCA meeting.
Our Community Plan Update process is moving along…you can read Katie Rodolico’s report on page 12 of print newsletter for the recap of the September 17 meeting. We learned at UCPG, that the Costa Verde Mall revitalization plans have changed considerably…and when their new EIR is approved the entire mall will be closed for two years to facilitate the work on their “new look”…the exception being the McDonalds and the service station which will remain open during the renovation.
UCCA has postponed plans for its January 2020 mayoral forum, and will be re- scheduling the co-sponsored event with the San Diego League of Women Voters in late Spring after the winning primary candidates will be known. This event MAY combine both the District 1 City Council candidates AND Mayoral candidates.
You will find our 2020 membership application on page 13 of print newsletter. Our November issue will have a membership envelope attached for your mailing convenience. We have many challenges ahead of us as residents and business owners in University City…by joining UCCA you have a voice in what is happening and what is being planned…JOIN UCCA and be part of what makes University City “more than just a neighborhood”. Have a fun and safe Happy Halloween!
As published in October 2019 University City News print newsletter; to download and read the October issue as a PDF, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/09/26/university-city-news-october-2019-is-now-online/