Parks Council and Advisory Group (RAG) issue preliminary agendas for September 26 meetings


The Standley Park Recreation Council SPRC 501(c)(3) continues to explore the opportunity to partner with Nobel and Doyle recreation councils to form one council for University City parks. Standley Park Recreation Council is expected to vote on September 26 to change its name to University City Parks Council and to amend its bylaws. All who have an interest in University City parks are invited to join the discussion at the next Council meeting, Thursday, September 26, at 6 PM at the Standley Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive. The Standley Recreation Advisory Group (RAG) meets the same day at 7 PM. All are welcome to attend either or both meetings.

In other parks news, you and your family and friends won’t want to miss the fun at our University City parks in October including these Haunted Happenings and Fall Festivities at our Parks:

  • October 4 – Doyle Park hosts Halloween Movie in the Park “Casper”
  • October 12 – Standley Park is the site of EdUCate’s annual “Oktoberfest”
  • October 24 – Nobel Park hosts Halloween Carnival
  • October 25 – Standley Park hosts Halloween Carnival
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For more information, visit the City’s website at and search by park or call the Recreation Center.


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