Courtesy of Diane Ahern: On December 20, 2017, City Council approved R-311478 which (among other things) authorized the appropriation of revenue collected by the recreation councils. As of July 1, 2018, the City of San Diego’s Parks and Recreation Department, under the direction of the San Diego City Attorney, formally separated the Standley Park Recreation Council from the City’s Recreation Advisory Group.
Since that time, the University City recreation councils (Doyle, Nobel, and Standley) have been taking steps to form a 501(c)3 Parks Council to support all University City parks. The Standley Park Recreation Council (SPRC) engaged the services of Hoffman & Forde, Attorneys at Law, to facilitate the name change and amended bylaws from Standley Park Recreation Council to University City Parks Council.
On Thursday, September 26, the former Standley Park Recreation Council, also known as the University City Parks Council, will meet at Standley Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive, at 6 PM. The UCPC board is expected to vote to confirm its name change and to vote on its proposed amended bylaws.
The Standley Park Recreation Advisory Group (RAG) meets the same day at 7 PM. Both meetings are open to the public and all who have interests or concerns about any University City parks are invited and encouraged to attend.
Agendas for both the Council meeting and the RAG meeting are available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/09/24/parks-council-and-advisory-group-rag-issue-preliminary-agendas-for-september-26-meetings/
The DRAFT Amended Bylaws of the University City Parks Council can be downloaded at DRAFT_UCPC_Amended_Bylaws_8.22.2019_DRAFT