It’s University City’s “Thank a Volunteer Day” on Sunday, August 25, featuring Tom and Greg


We love our volunteers! UCCA thanks our hundreds of volunteers who deliver University City Newsletters every month, our Neighborhood Watch street captains, and all the volunteers who help out at events such as the 4th of July UC Celebration, the Summer Concerts, the Holiday Tree and Menorah Lighting, utility box art projects, and in Neighborhood Watch groups.

This year, UCCA will recognize two long-time volunteers – Tom Ventimiglia and Greg Zinser. They collaborated on two songs celebrating University City and Volunteers.

Please join your friends and neighbors to thank a volunteer at Standley Park, 3585 Governor Drive, on Sunday, August 25, from 5 – 7 PM during the Summer Concert featuring Forecast with UC’s own Greg Pardue.

For more information about the songs written by Tom and Greg for University City, visit

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For more information about the Summer Concerts, visit


University City You Know

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