From the Times of San Diego: City Councilmember Barbara Bry called on Mayor Kevin Faulconer Thursday to enforce the city’s municipal code and restrict short-term vacation rentals (STVR). She noted that the City Attorney has determined that San Diego’s zoning codes do not currently permit such units, although rentals are taking place throughout the city. “We are enduring the loss of homes for San Diego families and workers as mini-hotels proliferate in our neighborhoods,” said Bry, whose District 1 includes the popular coastal vacation destinations of La Jolla and Carmel Valley. “Short-term residential occupancy units are not defined in the Municipal Code and are therefore prohibited,” she said. “I call on the mayor to enforce our city’s existing municipal code today.”
That’s an excerpt. To read the entire post from Times of San Diego, visit https://timesofsandiego.com/politics/2019/07/11/councilmember-bry-calls-for-mayor-to-enforce-restrictions-on-short-term-rentals/
To read Councilmember Bry’s statement “Enforcing the City’s existing Municipal Code for short-term rentals” on Twitter, visit https://twitter.com/barbarabryd1/status/1149421353553948672?s=20