University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at 6 PM at the Alexandria Building, 10300 Campus Point Drive, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92121. This month’s meeting features a presentation by District 1 Councilmember Barbara Bry. UCPG meets in the same building as the Green Acre Restaurant in the 2nd floor meeting room above the restaurant. Ample free parking. There is a lobby space outside the meeting room; refreshments provided. All are welcome to arrive early for networking.
The University Community is undergoing a Community Plan Update. The UCPG meeting features a public comment section during which community members can speak directly to the UCPG planning group volunteers about what they would like to see in the new community plan. This is a public meeting so please spread the word and bring a friend
The official July 9, 2019 UCPG agenda is posted on the City’s website on Monday at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
6:00 PM Meeting Call to Order: Chris Nielsen, Chair.
- Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence.
- Agenda: Call for additions/deletions: Adoption.
- Approval of Minutes: June 11, 2019.
- Announcements: Chair’s Report and CPC Report.
6:20 PM Presentations:
- Membership Report: Anu Delouri / John Bassler
- Plan Update Subcommittee: Andy Wiese: Chair
- Planning Department: Dan Monroe
- MCAS Miramar: Kristin Camper
- Councilmember Barbara Bry will be present to make remarks and answer questions
- SANDAG: Terry Martin/Dave Smith Mid-Coast Trolley construction update
- Senator Toni Atkins: Chevelle Tate
- Assemblyman Todd Gloria: Mathew Gordon
- Congressman Scott Peters: Erin Magee
- Supervisor Kristin Gaspar: Corinne Busta
- UCSD: Anu Delouri
- Capital Improvements : Roger Cavnaugh
7:00 PM Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items (3 minute limit).
7:15 PM Action Item: Project 627161 – Torrey Pines CDP/SDP, Process 2: Jeffrey Sobczyk.
7:45 PM Action Item: Project 633636. Sign NUP for the Palisades at UTC, Process 2: Ruben Andrews.
8:15 PM Adjournment: Next Meeting is September 10, 2019.
No meeting in August – Have a good Summer!