Find out everything you need to know about the 30th 4th of July UC Celebration at Standley Park. Podcast host Jemma Samala discusses some of the UC Celebration history, as well as the activities, entertainment, 5K run, pancake breakfast, community and vendor booths, food, car show, snowplay, beer garden, free trees, and more that is planned for the annual neighborhood tradition. Join your friends and neighbors on July 4, 2019, at Standley Park, 3585 Governor Drive in University City.
- To listen to UC Talks Podcast #8 through UCCA’s SoundCloud station, go to https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867/8-uc-celebration
- To listen to all of UCCA’s UC Talks Podcasts, go to our SoundCloud home page, go to https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867
For information about the UC Celebration, to register for the 5 K race, to volunteer to help out, for a list a food and community vendors and for much more, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/