Well, Summer has finally arrived, and we’ve gotten over the June “gloom” … maybe? Vacation and other plans for our families are underway, and we can look forward to a really super 4th of July UC Celebration at Standley Park. There will be lots of fun family activities and community information booths this year that you won’t want to miss. Snow Day, Vintage Car Show, Bike/Pet Parade are just some to name a few. The full schedule of events can be found on page 10 of the July newsletter and online at https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/
The always enjoyable Sunday summer concerts will be beginning soon, and the August Standley Park, “Banana Split Party” will be here before you know it. August 6th is the National Night Out event which highlights our appreciation of the San Diego Police…and is being organized by your Neighborhood Watch captains. And on Sunday, August 25, during the final summer concert, UCCA will be recognizing our community volunteers.
The Community Plan update committee will be meeting on July 16…and some preliminary results from the online survey will be announced. A follow-up “hands-on” survey, NOT online, has been requested by UCCA and will be distributed later this calendar year. Thank you to the many of you who completed and submitted your online survey. The Plan update process will be continuing through 2020.
UCCA thanks Kerrie Ozarkski, Property Manager at the MarketPlace for the help needed to keep the Governor Drive medians in front of our Post Office/Starbucks looking so good, AND to University City Chabad for their help with the Governor Drive median in front of their synagogue. Thanks so much for your help.
The nine new single-family homes on South Regents Road will have an Open House of sorts in July and will be inviting community and prospective buyers. Mr. Blake Morgan, builder/developer of the new homes was a guest at our UCCA meeting in June, along with Aaron Brennan, City Council candidate. “H” Puentes, also a City Council candidate will be our guest at our July 10 UCCA meeting.
The community Pure Water, (sewer pipelines on Genesee), working group met in early June for an update on the progress of the project. The return smaller adjacent pipe, (30 inches) has been upgraded to steel at an added cost of one million dollars. This will provide added safety to our residents and make the construction process move along at a faster pace. The working group is anticipating the next update meeting to be held later this year once the contractor has been identified.
This edition of the UCCA newsletter is for July and August. We are hopeful that our newsletter grant application from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will be approved and that we will be able to continue the full-color/HD paper quality to which we’ve all got accustomed to reading. It’s really a wonderful newsletter and we have an extraordinary editor in Jemma Samala, and a very dedicated newsletter committee comprised of Don Hotz, Diane Ahern, and Hallie Burch. Take a look at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/06/27/uccas-july-august-2019-university-city-news-is-now-online/
And special thanks to the more than 100 volunteers delivering this newsletter to your homes! Thanks to all of you for your hard work and support.
UCCA will not be asleep this summer…Watch your computers/smart phones for our UCCA University City News E-blasts for special reminders of important community activities and meetings. Remember, University City is “more than just a neighborhood.” UCCA’s next regular meeting is scheduled for July 10.
Have a great summer! (signed) Barry Bernstein, UCCA President