Coldwell Banker hosts an annual community-wide garage sale on the first Saturday of June.
Calling all buyers and sellers. Could this be the best day of the year to shop University City?! You will find a huge variety of things at wonderful prices at this year’s annual Community Garage Sale sponsored by Coldwell Banker University City on Saturday, June 1, 2019, from 8 AM – 12 PM.
If you’re a seller in University City, keep in mind that signs, advertising and maps will be provided to buyers free of charge. The deadline to be on the map is May 29, 2019. Maps and addresses will be available at the Coldwell Banker University City office, 3959 Governor Drive, in the Vons (University Square) Center at 7 AM on June 1.
Contact Coldwell Banker to include your home in this huge University City event. Call them at 858-352-6587 or email coldwellbankeruc@gmail.com
Tips for a Successful Garage Sale:
- Set up your “store” the night before. Cover up or put away any items in your garage that are not for sale.
- Tag all items, but be prepared to haggle. Make sure appliances work. Clean and dust everything you can.
- Have lots of coins and small bills handy for making change. Use a “fanny pack” to carry your money around with you.
- Don’t open the door until you are ready for business. Be prepared for early shoppers. They are the pros.
- Remember the maps go out at 7 AM.