UCCA Submits Grant Application to County Board of Supervisors


University City Community Association (UCCA) is pleased to submit an application for a County of San Diego 2019-2020 Community Enhancement Program grant to help support five local activities:

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    • Produce color newsletter (University City News) for one year
    • Replace damaged street banners
    • Produce two podcasts a month for one year
    • Provide business cards for board members
    • Produce promotional display signs

Our volunteer organization, University City Community Association, was founded in 2002 and provides and promotes the civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational development and improvement in University City. UCCA sponsors monthly community meetings, produces a monthly newsletter (which is distributed free to area residents and businesses), and maintains several social media sites where interests of residents are expressed and contributions made to the protection of life and property in our community. A 2019-2020 Community Enhancement Program grant award will enhance our abilities to support our purpose.

We look forward to a continuing partnership with the Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and the San Diego Board of Supervisors to build an even stronger community in University City, where we are more than just a neighborhood.

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(signed) Barry Bernstein, President, University City Community Association

View UCCA’s video testimony for our request of Community Enhancement grant funding on YouTube at:

For more information on the Community Enhancement Program, visit https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/auditor/commehnc.html

To view all grant application videos, visit https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/cob/ce-video-comments.html

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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
