Help Wanted: City requesting community input re update to University City community plan – Tue, Mar 19


The City’s planning department invites all University City residents and workers to the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 19, 2019 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Media Center of the University City High School located at 6949 Genesee Avenue San Diego, CA 92122.

UCCA urges all to share your ideas about what you think will be the future needs of our community.  This meeting is crucial for the city planning consultants to hear YOUR opinions that will shape the “look and feel” of University City in the upcoming years.  Don’t let individuals that do not know our community paint our horizon – own your future!

Download the meeting agenda and background materials by visiting the community plan update subcommittee’s web-page at

Visit the subcommittee’s homepage for more information and to stay connected with the University Community Plan Update at

For more information on the community plan update process, contact Dan Monroe, Senior Planner at

For related posts from UCCA, visit


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