From Barry Bernstein, UCCA President: Over a hundred University City area residents, along with many elected officials, first responders, San Diego Park and Recreation, U.S. Marines, and leaders of UCPG, UCCA, and ImproveUC/UCCF, were on hand to respectfully acknowledge the 10th Anniversary of the fatal crash in University City. At 11:58 AM, a moment of silence was observed after which four trees, donated by ImproveUC/UCCF, were officially dedicated in honor of the four members of the Yoon family who lost their lives in that fatal crash 10 years ago.
Pia Mantovani-Sud, a resident living across the street from the crash site, led the remembrance program. University City Community Association (UCCA) was proud to co-sponsor this event in conjunction with Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA).
[Screengrabs from Fox5: Memorial and Tree Dedication in University City; link to Fox5 report below.]*
A crash eyewitness report from Bill Dusting and links to media coverage:
- Bill Dusting: Video from a F18 crash eyewitness, “9 days after the F18crash in San Diego, I retrace my steps. Doesn’t get much closer than that!” | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro2YrCBcbKg
- ABC10: University City neighbors remember FA-18 crash tragedy | https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/university-city-neighbors-remember-fa-18-crash-tragedy
- CBS8: Memorial held for victims of 2008 University City jet crash | http://www.cbs8.com/story/39611186/memorial-held-for-victims-of-of-university-city-jet-crash
- FOX5: Memorial held for victims of 2008 fighter jet crash | https://fox5sandiego.com/2018/12/08/sd-neighborhood-memorializes-victims-of-2008-military-jet-crash/
- KPBS: 10 Years Later, University City Residents Honor Victims Of F-18Crash | https://youtu.be/JrdbiNTFYs0
- NBC7: Trees Planted in Honor of Victims of University City Jet Crash 10Years Later | https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/fa-18-d-hornet-fighter-jet-crash-university-city-living-memorial-tree-502277241.html
- Email statement from MCAS Miramar Commanding Officer Cl Charles Dockery regarding 2008 F-18 crash | https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Email-statement-Cl-Dockery-regarding-2010-F-18-crash.pdf
- Union Tribune: A decade later, a San Diego neighborhood is still reeling from a tragic plane crash | https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/sd-me-fa18-crash-10-years-later-20181208-story.html
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/miramar/