UCCA President Barry Bernstein: December message to University City


Happy Holidays to everyone. With Thanksgiving having come and gone, and the December month of celebrations to look forward to, there’s no better way to spend a joyous family evening than being at UCCA’s Christmas Tree/Menorah Lighting event at Standley Park on December 14. I hope you’ll be there to enjoy and share the best of the holiday season with your family and friends.

These past few weeks have been filled with loss of life of so many innocent people caused by natural causes and in some cases, human hand. It’s been difficult to watch and read about these catastrophic events, day after day, with seemingly little one can do to prevent. Of course, there are reliable and legitimate government, church, and private agencies one could contribute to ease the pain and suffering of the victim’s families.

There will be a special University City event, at 11:30 AM on Saturday, December 8. Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA) and UCCA will be holding a 10-year Anniversary Memorial Event remembering the military aircraft crash that claimed four lives in our community. This event is open to the public and will be held at the University Village Park (the Tot Lot) at 7100 Florey Street (at the corner of Cather and Florey.) If you are unable to attend, please consider a moment of silence beginning at 11:58 AM, the moment of this tragedy.

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On a less somber subject, have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions for 2019? I have plenty of generic suggestions for your consideration beyond the typical weight loss, exercise, more reading, etc. Here they are; (in no special order), spend less time watching television political programs, (even though there’s an expectation that the “Dems” that now control the House will get something done), attend the San Diego County Fair, support local arts; take someone to enjoy a San Diego theater production, find time to become involved with our schools, churches/synagogues, as well as the many events/organizations, (join UCCA), that are part of our community fabric. And most importantly, everyday tell those that you love that you care about them; in today’s unsettling world it’s the least one can do.

The UCCA Board does not have a regular meeting scheduled in December. However starting on December 6 you can listen in to our new “podcast” format to keep up with any current issues regarding local “happenings”. Our UCCA podcast is titled “UC Talks” and our catchy jingle/tune is a creation of long time U.C. resident/songwriter/lyricist Tom Ventimiglia.

Our next UCCA meeting will be held on January 9 at 6 PM at the University Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. On behalf of our Board, I want to wish you a most wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa holiday season…and a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year. Cheers! ~Barry

For information about the Memorial and Tree Dedication, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/11/28/save-the-date-december-8-memorial-and-tree-dedication/

For information about Dinner with Santa and the Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/11/05/ucca-advocating-for-safe-aviation-in-university-city-and-san-diego-county/


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
