December in University City will be very busy this year. The University City newsletter, produced by UCCA’s volunteers and paid for with the support of our advertisers and a generous grant from the San Diego Board of Supervisors, contains local news and features about many of the people and activities that make us all proud to call University City our community. Here is a shortcut preview of just a few of the local events you may want to check out this month.
- F-18 Crash Anniversary, Memorial and Tree Dedication – December 8, 11:30 AM; refer to page 3 of the print newsletter; or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/11/28/save-the-date-december-8-memorial-and-tree-dedication/
- Dinner with Santa, Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting – December 14, 5 PM: refer to the front page of the print newsletter; or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/11/28/save-the-date-december-14-dinner-with-santa-christmas-tree-and-menorah-lighting/
- Free community events – December all month- at each of the two University City community libraries; refer to page 6 of the print newsletter; or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/library/
Print versions of the University City December 2018 print newsletter are currently available at the Standley Park Recreation Center and the University Community Library, both on Governor Drive. Print copies will be delivered to homes in south University City this weekend and to select locations in University City north of Rose Canyon.
The December newsletter is available for viewing as a FlipBook below; or as a PDF to download at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
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