UCCA issues agenda for November 14 community meeting

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This month’s meeting will feature an update on the Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation watchdog group as well as information about the December 8 Memorial and Tree Dedication to the victims of the F-18 crash that occurred 10 years ago and took the lives of four of our University City neighbors. We’ll also have reports on the Community Plan Update and traffic safety on Governor Drive.

Ongoing agenda items include updates from community and legislative representatives such as the Police and Fire departments and local elected leaders. Each meeting includes an Open Forum during which interests and concerns may be expressed.

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If you have an agenda item to suggest or would like to speak during open forum, please use the Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ or email us at universitycitynews@gmail.com.

For related information about the Memorial and Tree Dedication, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/11/08/university-city-to-remember-10th-anniversary-of-f-18-jet-crash-with-memorial-and-tree-dedication/

Meeting agenda: UNIVERSITY CITY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (UCCA), NOVEMBER 14, 2018, GENERAL MEETING at the Community Library 4155 Governor Drive.

A G E N D A : (tentative)

5:30- Networking
6:00- Meeting called to order, pledge of allegiance, welcome
6:05- Approval of October minutes, (vote)
Approval of agenda, (vote),
President’s remarks/announcements

6:08- Special Report: C.A.S.A.(Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation),
Pia Mantovani Sud /Ron Belanger/Stephanie Jed –December 8 Memorial and Tree Dedication

6:15- SD Police/SD Fire- RE: “Alert San Diego” SD County
6:25- Legislative reports from representatives
6:35- Treasurer’s report, Don (vote)
6:40- Membership report-Hallie

6:45- PUBLIC FORUM- Request for funds, etc…
Regency Villas-Safety Concerns- Maya K.
Mark Salata, community traffic concerns (tentative)
Other…..(safewalkways proposal)


  1. Mack Langston’s appointment to fill vice-president role, AND,
    accompanying “by-laws” change. (vote-2/3 requirement)
  2. UCPG Community Plan- Katie Rodolico/Deanna Ratnikova
  3. Sewer Line lawsuit/City Council action- Ruth/Barry
  4. STVR update- Mack
  5. Dec. 14 “Tree/Menorah Lighting” – Barry
  6. “Podcast” proposal- (SD County grant)
  7. OTHER…..

7:30- Adjournment….Next regular meeting-January 9, 2019


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
