Thanks for supporting University City by reading and sharing the monthly newsletter produced by UCCA. This issue is packed with news and features about the neighbors and events which unite us all and make our University City a wonderful community in which to live and work. It’s time to join or renew your University City Community Association membership for 2019. Please refer to the membership coupon in this issue for more information and to join UCCA.
Why Join UCCA? Your UCCA membership dues help UCCA provide donations to many worthwhile local organizations, public schools, events and projects. Through the generous support of members who joined UCCA in 2018, UCCA was able to provide donations to the Centurion Foundation (at UCHS), EdUCate (foundation for UC public schools), the Police and Fire Foundations, the Standley Park Recreation Council (for UC Celebration and Summer Concerts), to local elementary and middle schools, and to our own University City Community Foundation (UCCF); and to support the holiday tree and menorah lighting celebration, the monthly newsletter, monthly public meetings, our various websites, and several beautification projects in University City.
Join UCCA online through PayPal or make an additional donation at https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
University City Community Association (UCCA) is a non-profit (501c4) organization funded through membership dues, which provides and promotes the civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational development and improvement in University City; and provides a forum where the interests of residents may be expressed and contributions made to the protection of life and property in the community.
The November 2018 print newsletter will be available at the Standley Park Recreation Center and the University Community Library, both on Governor Drive, at 4 PM on Thursday, November 1. It will be distributed to homes and businesses by UCCA’s volunteers this first weekend of November. It is posted online in PDF form (and can be downloaded) at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
It’s also available for view as a FlipBook below: [3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”20623″ title=”false”]