UCPG University Community Planning Group Agenda for October meeting


A Marijuana Processing Facility, Cell Phone Towers, and the Community Plan Update will all be on the agenda as the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on Tuesday, October 9, at 6 PM at Green Acre Campus Point, 10300 Campus Pointe Drive, 2nd Floor, San Diego, CA 92121. The meeting room is above the Green Acre restaurant. The building has a large surface parking lot with no parking fee. All are welcome.

Preliminary agenda items for October include (subject to change):

  • Rodrigo Carrasco, MTS, Discussion on bus route modification as the trolley changes our local transportation system.
  • Action Item: Dan Monroe, City Planning Department. Formation of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee.
  • Action Item: Paul Hokeness, The Shops at La Jolla Village, ATT Wireless Communication Facility, Project No. 606332, Neighborhood Use Permit, Process 2.
  • Action Item: Kerrigan Diehl, Plancominc, Verizon Wireless Antennas, South Doyle Park, Project No. 447574, Conditional Use Permit, Process 4.
  • Action Item: Wayne Yamamoto, Panacea Management Group, Marijuana Processing Facility, 8390 Miramar Place, Project No. 585648, Conditional Use Permit, Process 3.

The full agenda and more information is available on the City’s website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

To learn more about the University Community Plan update, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/


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