This is the issue we’ve all been waiting for; every page in full color with local news, features, events and ads specific to our University City community. Published and distributed by the volunteers of University City Community Association for University City. Print newsletters will be delivered to homes and businesses throughout south University City this weekend; and are currently available at the Community Library and Standley Recreation Center, both on Governor Drive.
To download the PDF version of the newsletter, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/September-2018-Newsletter-v1.pdf
To view as 3D FlipBook: [3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”19789″ title=”false”]
And how did this full-color newsletter come about? The San Diego Board of Supervisors has awarded University City Community Association a $10,960 grant to produce a full-color newsletter (10 issues) for one year, to produce a series of podcasts, and to replace and install street banners. September 2018 marks the first time in its 16 year history that the newsletter has been printed in full-color.
UCCA thanks Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and University City community representative Corrine Busta for encouraging the organization to apply for a Community Enhancement Program grant and for approving its grant application.
UCCA is funded primarily through membership dues. Grants such as this make it possible to provide the University City community with the ‘nice-to-haves’ such as street banners, the full-color newsletter, podcasts and utility box art.
As specified in the grant application, this grant will enable UCCA to serve its newsletter readers more vibrantly and more attractively. Podcasts will enable UCCA to delve deeper and in a more timely way into the issues and concerns facing residents and visitors; and provide an additional communication vehicle that currently does not exist in the area.
The County grant period is July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. For more information, visit the San Diego County website at https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/
What do you think? Do you like the full-color issue? Please let us know at the September 12, UCCA community meeting, at 6 PM at the Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and University City community representative Corrine Busta will be our special guests. Arrive early for networking. We’ll be setting up from 5:30 on. Refreshments will be served. Please join us!