There are many ways for the people of San Diego to have an impact on the laws which govern our City. Most City ordinances and resolutions require a simple majority of Council votes (5 out of 9) to be adopted. Start out by calling or writing a letter to your Councilmember and to the Mayor. If you want to show you have lots of community support, develop and submit an informal petition, or have others call or send letters. With the backing of five (5) Councilmembers, your idea can become municipal policy.
Members of the public may also make a Public Comment to City Councilmembers on a docketed (City Council Agenda) item by filling out a speaker slip. Both “in favor” and “in opposition” slips are available in the rear of Council Chambers (on the 12th floor of the City Administration Building, 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101) and in the lobby just outside Chambers before each meeting, or can be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office (202 C Street, 2nd Floor).
You may also use the Internet to express interest or make a Public Comment about an item to be discussed by the City Council in an upcoming meeting. Complete and submit the Public Comment form at https://www.sandiego.gov/form/agenda-comment-form. Your comments will be distributed to Council members and will be retained as part of the record.
For more information, please visit the Office of the City Clerk website at https://www.sandiego.gov/city-clerk/elections/process/difference
For information on City Council, including links to Council Meeting Docket (Agendas), visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/coalition-of-town-councils/