Tough new regulations that will sharply curtail short-term vacation rentals in San Diego will move forward, the City Council decided Wednesday (August 1), despite legal protests lodged this week by the home sharing industry. Two weeks after approving the new rules, which will limit short-term stays to one’s primary residence only, the council reaffirmed its decision in a second reading of an ordinance that will now legalize home sharing. The vote was 6-2, with Councilmen David Alvarez and Scott Sherman opposed. Councilman Chris Cate was absent.
Read the entire article from the San Diego Union Tribune at http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/tourism/sd-fi-airbnb-regulations-approval-20180801-story.html
Note: UCCA thanks Mack and Merle Langston, who attended today’s hearing and represented University City and UCCA on this extremely important issue. We did not see them testify today but we did see the final vote on TV. We loved Barbara Bry’s final words when she made the motion to approve; and Lorie Zapf’s second was extraordinary. What a great speech. Great outcome!! The vote was 6 to 2 in favor with one Councilmember absent. A replay of the hearing will be available on the City‘s website soon. If you didn’t see it in person, we suggest you watch the last hour. Extraordinary demonstration of local democracy in action. Thanks also to Clairemont Town Council, the STVR working group and the Coalition of Town Councils. For CityTV program schedule, archived videos, and a link to the live webcast (when available), visit https://www.sandiego.gov/communications/citytv
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/coalition-of-town-councils