It may have taken years, but give the City Council — and Barbara Bry, especially — credit for enacting sensible rules on regulating short-term vacation rentals. While his proposal was changed in key ways, Mayor Kevin Faulconer also deserves kudos for crafting the policy’s basic regulatory framework.
As The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board urged, council members revised two parts of Faulconer’s plan. They dropped language creating an exception allowing individuals to own unlimited rentals in Mission Beach. And they scrapped a provision that would have allowed city homeowners to rent out not just their own homes but a second home on a separate lot as well. Now primary homes can only be rented out up to six months a year.
Read the complete editorial from the San Diego Union Tribune at http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/editorials/sd-san-diego-short-term-rentals-20180717-story.html
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