Check out the new Canyon banners which are proudly displayed in UCCA’s banner district of Governor Drive and cross streets Regents Road and Genesee Avenue. The new banners highlight one of the unique features of University City – our beautiful canyons. The Canyon banners will be displayed until the end of August together with our Summer Concerts banners.
Many thanks go to County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar for her support; these new banners were funded with a grant to UCCA from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The county grant provided for the design of attractive and uniform street banners to welcome visitors to University City. Not-for-profits in San Diego County are eligible to apply for a grant. See below for more information.
Thanks also go to Debby Knight for serving on the banner design team; and to UCCA’s Buy Local partners who made this project come to life: design coordination by AlphaGraphics on Governor Drive; production by WikiTiki; and installation by The Décor Plan.
For more information:
- County Board of Supervisors https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/
- AlphaGraphics on Governor Drive https://www.alphagraphics.com/centers/san-diego-california-us727/who-we-are.html
- WikiTiki / Alphaprint http://www.alphaprintllc.com/index.html
- The Decor Plan http://thedecorplan.com/
- Related posts at https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/beautification/
For more information about the 2018 Summer Concert schedule, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/summer-concerts-in-standley-park/
Please note: The 2018 San Diego County Fair banners, which featured students from Doyle Elementary School, will be delivered to the school sometime after August 6 when staff and teachers return to school.