The Bromeliad Society International biennial Conference will host a free show and sale, open to the public, on June 1, 2, and 3.
The show will feature over 200 beautiful bromeliads. Come out to see the amazing diversity of bromeliads, wonders of the neotropics. There will be many shapes and forms of bromeliads, including the popular “air plants”, or Tillandsias. There will be exhibits and lots of information on how to care for these easy to grow plants. The sales area will feature vendors from Hawaii, Florida, and California.
The Show and Sale is located at Paradise Point, 1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego 92109. Paradise Point (formerly called Vacation Village) is on Mission Bay off Ingraham on Vacation Road.
For more information, visit the Bromeliad Society website at http://www.bsi.org/new/.
See also the local host San Diego Bromeliad Society for information about the free show and sale at http://www.sandiegobromeliadsociety.org/huge-show-sale.html
Submitted by Nancy Groves, Co-Chair of the Bromeliad Society International biennial Conference, who says “I hope to see my fellow University City Garden Club and plant lovers there!”
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