Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund (LWVCEF). Find in-depth information about what’s on your ballot before you vote. With Voter’s Edge California, voters can:
- Access their ballot by entering their address and/or zip code.
- Get in-depth information on candidates, measures, and who supports them.
- View candidate biographies, top priorities, answers to questions, photos, policy videos, endorsements, and detailed information about who funds their campaigns.
- Browse unbiased explanations of ballot measures; find out who supports, opposes, and funds them.
- Check where, when, and how to vote, including information on their local polling locations.
- Keep track of their choices to make voting easier.
- Share information about the election with friends and family.
For more information, visit https://votersedge.org/en/ca
Voter’s Edge California is a comprehensive, nonpartisan online guide to elections covering federal, state, and local races in the state of California and is a joint project of MapLight and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund (LWVCEF). For more information, visit https://votersedge.org/en/ca
For more election information from the San Diego Registrar of Voters, visit https://www.countynewscenter.com/important-deadlines-for-june-election/