There are now three ways University City Community Association (UCCA) can help promote your business.
Advertise in our local newsletter:
The print newsletter, published by UCCA, is hand delivered to homes in south University City, posted online, and available throughout University City at public libraries and recreation centers. Print circulation is 6,000 print copies per issue. UCCA membership is not required to purchase print advertising.
For more information, including ad sizes, rates, and deadline, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/advertising-rates/
Participate in our Buy Local program:
Due recent advances in online purchases and home delivery, the Buy Local program is currently inactive. Let’s support all our local businesses. Many help to support the print newsletter through advertising. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. The print newsletter is available as a PDF at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Sponsor online content:
Write and submit an article to be posted on www.UniversityCityNews.org that promotes the unique services and/or products your business offers. Sponsored content is purchased by the author, and reflects the author’s views. It may not reflect the views of UCCA or University City News.
Sponsored content must be consistent and compatible with UCCA’s purpose and Bylaws. Publication does not constitute an endorsement. Rates for sponsored content on the website are $100 per article with a limit of one online post per month. UCCA membership is required to participate. For more information about sponsored content, contact Diane Ahern at aherndiane@gmail.com or use the contact us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/