There are two important election deadlines that are approaching:
Monday, May 21 – Deadline to register. You can register at sdvote.com, and if your signature is confirmed through Department of Motor Vehicles records, it will automatically be sent to the Registrar. If your signature is not confirmed, you can print the form, sign it and mail it to the Registrar. For voters without access to a computer, the forms are available at the offices of the Registrar of Voters, US Postal Service, City Clerk, public libraries and Department of Motor Vehicles. All forms must be postmarked or delivered to the Registrar of Voters no later than May 21. You may register to vote online up until midnight and the Registrar’s office will be open until 8 p.m. on May 21. If you miss the deadline you may still conditionally register and vote provisionally only at the Registrar’s office through Election Day.
Tuesday, May 29 – Deadline to apply for a mail ballot. You can apply at sdvote.com or use the application on the back of your sample ballot and voter information pamphlet. You can also request a mail ballot by sending a letter to the Registrar of Voters with your name, registered address, the name and date of the election, the address where the ballot is to be mailed and your signature. Send forms to Registrar of Voters, 5600 Overland Ave., San Diego, 92123, email rovmail@sdcounty.ca.gov or fax (858) 694-2955. As a third option, you can request a mail ballot by phone at (858) 565-5800. The request applies only to the June 5 election and you must personally make the call. All applications must be in house at the Registrar’s office by 5 p.m. on May 29. Postmarks cannot be accepted. Voters who are already signed up to vote permanently by mail do not need to reapply.
For more information and to check on voter registration status, visit the https://www.countynewscenter.com/important-deadlines-for-june-election/
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