UC community groups are united in opposition to the Pure Water sewer pipelines’ planned alignment under Morena Boulevard, Clairemont Drive, Genesee Avenue, Nobel Drive and Town Center Drive.
University City Community Association (UCCA), University Community Planning Group (UCPG), and University City Community Foundation (UCCF) support the Pure Water Project.
But all three community organizations oppose the current alignment and are asking that the Pure Water project be postponed until other pipeline location options are fully explored.
The City Council public hearing on April 10 is an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns with City Council Members before they cast their votes. For more information on the hearing, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/04/03/notice-of-city-council-public-hearing-pure-water-north-city-project-499621/
If you are not able to attend the hearing, you may express your opinion by emailing your comments to hearings1@sandiego.gov or faxing your comments to 619-533-4045 by end of day April 9 to make sure that your comment is forwarded to all City Council members before they cast their votes.
Want to know more?
UCPG’s Nancy Groves, University City Community Association (UCCA) and University City News have been reporting on the Pure Water North City Project since 2015; for background and current posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/?s=Pure+Water
PS – For those U.C. residents planning to attend the City Council hearing, UCCA is thanking them with an “I Love University City” T-shirt to be worn at the Council meeting. The shirt can be picked up at Coffee Bean near Vons on Governor from 10:00-12:00 on Tuesday, April 10 before the hearing.