According to the Union Tribune, San Diego will double the pace of utility undergrounding work as size of task grows. San Diego is accelerating how quickly it buries utility lines across the city, shrinking the size of projects to boost efficiency and creating more accurate schedules so neighborhoods know when to expect such work. That’s the good news.
The bad news for University City is that we’ll have to wait until 2020/2021 for undergrounding work to be completed in our area. That’s according to the City’s five year implementation plan for 2018-2022.
The Undergrounding Master Plan is a guiding document that outlines the scope of work and provides a prioritization sequence of projects for citywide strategic placement of electrical and communication utility lines underground. The proposed plan must be approved by City Council.
Read the complete story from the Union Tribune at http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/sd-me-utility-underground-20180218-story.html