Supporters of the Regents Road connector bridge, which the San Diego City Council deleted from planning maps a year ago, suffered a setback this week when a judge rejected a lawsuit that sought to revive the project.
From the San Diego Union Tribune, David Garrick, February 6:
Superior Court Judge Katherine Bacal ruled on Monday that the state’s environmental law – the California Environmental Quality Act – doesn’t apply to the council’s decision in December 2016 to remove the bridge and a related widening of Genesee Avenue from the University Community Plan.
The lawsuit, filed in January 2017, contends San Diego officials violated CEQA when an environmental report they prepared didn’t consider the regional and long-term impacts of not building the bridge.
Read the complete article on the Union Tribune website at http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/sd-me-regents-road-20180206-story.html
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/?s=regents+road