Overhead wires or curbside utility boxes?


The City’s Utilities Undergrounding Program is hosting a public workshop Wednesday, January 24.

From the City of San Diego:

The Utilities Undergrounding Program coordinates the undergrounding of overhead utility lines throughout the City of San Diego.

Residents are invited to attend a public workshop, to preview its Draft Master Plan Update, and to comment on the updated plan before it is presented to City Council for review and approval in May 2018.

Other ways to express comments and/or ask questions are through the Utilities Undergrounding Program information line 619-533-3841, send an email to undergrounding@sandiego.gov or contact your City Council member representative.

For a related post, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/01/12/got-wires-provide-feedback-university-city-utilities-undergrounding-program-master-plan-update/

From the Union Tribune, Residents balk at undergrounding wires:  http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/sdut-underground-utility-power-box-backlash-2015feb14-story.html


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