Update: Sale of “surplus” City property in University City


Based on information provided on the UCPG Planning Group agenda, there are actually (2) two “surplus” parcels in University City under consideration for sale: one is the 15 acres at Governor and Gullstrand; the other is 45 acres at the north end of Town Center Drive.

An information item concerning these two potential sales is on the Tuesday, January 9, UCPG agenda for 7:40 to 8 PM. Please note – new meeting location is 4225 Executive Square, Suite 150.

The UCPG agenda is posted at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

For a map of City owned properties, visit http://sandiego.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7cace2f50ec7459e84acaa98345c2806

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And, for those who cannot make it to the UCPG meeting, please attend the UCCA meeting on Wednesday, January 10, at 6 PM, at the University Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. This is a community meeting and all are invited. There will be information presented about the two potential sales.

For related posts, visit City considers selling canyon property at Gullstrand and Robbins adjacent to University Gardens Park at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2018/01/06/city-considers-selling-canyon-property-at-gullstrand-and-robbins-adjacent-to-university-gardens-park/


University City You Know

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