Updated Neighborhood Watch, City/County services contact list now available


Your UCCA Neighborhood Watch just updated the contact list as a web page with live links enabled to websites and ‘smart’ mobile devices and cell phones.

From UCCA’s Neighborhood Watch and Barbara Gellman:

Take a look at https://www.universitycitynews.org/neighborhood-watch-contact-list/

All the phone links are “live” except for 9-1-1 and 2-1-1. Bookmark, save page to your favorites, or add to your homepage. This may come in very handy when you are out and about and see something that needs to be reported.

You can easily make a call to the non-emergency number or access city and county agencies by phone, through their websites, and/or by email.

You still have access to the PDF version of the contact list at NW 2018 Neighborhood Watch – phone-contacts-Nextdoor combined and on the Neighborhood Watch page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/neighborhood-watch/

To learn more about how to start a Neighborhood Watch group on your street, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/neighborhood-watch/


University City You Know

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