Everything You Need to Know About the Big Vacation Rental Vote


from Voice of San Diego:

After years of wanting action, it appears many vacation rental opponents would be greatly relieved if the City Council would punt the issue once again. The Council is set to decide on Tuesday whether to permit and regulate vacation rentals, severely restrict them or drag the issue out once a gain, leaving a meaningless ban on the books.

Neighborhood activists worried about short-term vacation rentals in the city of San Diego seem to be coming to terms with something: They don’t have the votes on the City Council to ban homeowners from renting out their whole houses or condos to visitors.

Tom Coat was a board member of Save San Diego Neighborhoods, whose supporters are expected to pack Golden Hall Tuesday to push for enforcement of a ban.

To read the entire Voice of San Diego post, visit https://www.voiceofsandiego.org/topics/government/everything-need-know-big-vacation-rental-vote/

Note: On Tuesday, December 12, the City Council will vote on how to regulate short-term rentals in the City of San Diego. Public testimony will be heard, and the meeting will likely run into the evening. The agenda is available on the City’s website at https://onbase.sandiego.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/Meetings/ViewMeeting?id=1018&doctype=1#

Details: Tuesday, December 12, 10 AM (doors open at 8:30 AM), at CIVIC CENTER CONCOURSE GOLDEN HALL (this meeting will not be held at Council Chambers), 202 “C” STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA  92101

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