UCCA issues agenda for November 8 University Community meeting


University City Community Association (UCCA) meets on Wednesday, November 8, at 6 PM, at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. This is a community meeting featuring updates from law enforcement, fire-rescue service, legislative and other community leaders. All are welcome. If you have an agenda item to share, or wish to speak during Open Forum, please use the Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/


Election Note: UCCA members in good standing are eligible to vote. Those who wish to vote for the nominees whose names were published in the November 2017 print newsletter and online at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2017/11/06/board-elections-and-bylaws-changes-wednesday-november-8-6-pm-library-on-governor/ may do so beginning at 5:30 PM at Wednesday’s meeting. Qualified candidates who wish to nominate themselves (or another qualified candidate) should contact Mack Langston before the meeting and/or may do so during the “Announcement of 2018 UCCA Officer nominees-election process” at approximately 6:15 PM. Voting to include any qualified candidates nominated during the officer nominees-election process will take place until 7:30 PM. However, if no other qualified candidates are nominated, then the voting will cease and the election will be over. 

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A G E N D A: (tentative)

  • 5:30- Voting for 2018 officers begins
  • 6:00- Meeting called to order/pledge of allegiance
    • moment of silence
  • 6:05- Approval of agenda – special order of action items – vote required
  • 6:10- Motion to pass recommended By-laws amendments – Mack Langston
  • 6:15 – Announcement of 2018 UCCA Officer nominees – election process
  • 6:20- Approval of October meeting minutes – vote required
  • 6:25- 6:40- SDPD/SDFire &Rescue and Legislative representatives
    • Special guest: representative of SD County Animal Control
    • Special guest: Janay Kruger, UCPG Chair, to provide Genesee sewer pipeline update
  • 6:45- Treasurer’s Report/Membership Update- Don Hotz
  • 6:50- Old Business- UCHS water polo request – vote required
  • 6:55- OPEN FORUM- NEW BUSINESS – Speakers limited to 3-5 minutes
  • 7:05- President’s Remarks including Sewer pipeline-UCCA letter, Tree/Menorah Lighting-Dec. 15, County Dept. of Animal Control request, Regents Road Median update, other….

7:10- 7:30- C O M M I T T E E R E P O R T S

  1. Banners/Grants- Diane Ahern
  2. Neighborhood Watch- Barbara Gellman
  3. Beautification-Merle Langston
  4. Newsletter-
  5. Other…..

7:30- Adjournment…Next meeting TBD

Happy Thanksgiving…see you at our December 15 Tree/Menorah Lighting


University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
