The Planning Group (UCPG) meets Tuesday at 6 PM


THE UC PLANNING GROUP REPORT of the July meeting, courtesy of Nancy Groves, UCPG Rep District 1:

UPDATES: 1) Genesee Highlands HOA is reconsidering their Open Space issue, which was discussed at the last UCPG meeting. 2) Pure Water will return to a future meeting to discuss digging up Town Center Dr., Regents and Genesee again in 2019-2021 for water pipes. 3) Westfield apartment construction will begin in the next 3 weeks; they are currently working on the turn lane off Genesee. 4) The I-5 Genesee Ave Interchange is delayed until March 2018.

SANDAG: Mid-Coast trolley construction update: I-5 and L.J. Colony Dr. working on utilities from 10:00pm-5:00am, constructing bridge columns on the UCSD east campus, then Pepper Canyon and the playing field. The focus on Genesee uses four subcontractors working 24 hours. Eight days are needed to pour the driveway off Eastgate to apartments so they can alternate sides to keep access. (Audience comments: Make sure the area is well lit at Genesee and Eastgate; use extra temporary lighting. Need flagmen during the construction.) The wall at Country Day will be completed by mid-August. They are combining all trench work done at one time so widening can be completed. They have access to all properties on Genesee even though negotiating dollars have not been decided. They will cut and cover under LJ Village Drive in order to keep one lane open in each direction. The Rose Canyon bike path to P.B. will be closed while they build a new one and bikes will be rerouted after 9:00pm. announced that they bring all construction in the Golden Triangle area to one spot. SHIFT is funded through SANDAG.

ACTION ITEM: “Raised by Wolves” has requested a process 3 for alcohol sales in the Westfield Mall where they are also opening a tasting room. The permit is needed for sales only, not for tasting. (This is to be in the new area where Cozumel’s used to be.) The Tasting room will be by reservation only and they will not sell food but there are 11 restaurants near by. There will be no TV’s and no live entertainment in order to encourage conversation. Looks very up scale with library and has an educational component. Approved.


  1. Community Energy Choice (CCE) requested the UCPG endorsement with a letter to Mayor Faulconer and the City Council. The City’s Climate Action Plan meshes well with the CCE to get to 100% clean energy. CCE is a public-private partnership to give local control over energy sources, make rate setting transparent and introduce competition into the market to stabilize and reduce future rates. If adopted, the City Council would vote to establish a CCE program to have the city purchase the power supply and set rates while SDG&E continues to deliver the power safely and reliably over their power lines. Residents can choose to purchase their electricity from the local CCE or opt-out to SDG&E. CCE is not-for-profit and self-supporting. If you have solar, CCE often pays customers more for the excess electricity they generate. CCE is already working in 70 cities and 9 counties in California and 7 other states.

2. SDG&E shareholders organized a Sempra Services group to hire a consultant, Peter Norvee. (SDG&E itself is not allowed to lobby.) The consultant spoke in opposition to CCE. He noted that 43% of SDG&E energy is renewable. There will be a power adjustment fee or “exit fee” for leaving the system (a one time only fee). The feasibility study will be out on Thursday of this week and the decision will not be made until late this year. In San Diego 115,000 already have solar. Bill SB 100 might mandate the amount of renewable energy required. After hearing both the CCE and the Sempra Services presentation a motion was made to delay the UCPG decision until the Sept. meeting since the technical study is due on Thurs. and will need to have a 60 day review. Vote was 9 in favor of delay on vote and 3 in opposition to the delay.

UCPG CIP NEW REQUESTS: There is a point system and we are competing with 40 other communities for projects. 1)Traffic signal at Nobel Dr. & Via Las Rambas. 2) Stanley Park jogging trail. 3) Doyle Park improvements. 4) More trees along Regents Rd. north of La Jolla Village Dr. 5) More trees along Genesee Ave. from Nobel Dr. to I-5. 6) Additional street lighting on Eastgate & Town Centre.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 12, 6 PM at Scripps Office Bldg, 10010 Campus Pointe Drive. Enter to right of bldg. to free parking lot and entrance.

UCPG Shocked! No one is listening! Courtesy of Janay Krueger, UCPG Chair:

We are under siege with too much CONSTRUCTION!

It is very concerning to read in the newspaper* that Cal Trans has been negotiating in the courts against the wishes of the University Community. UCPG has invited the Director of Cal Trans District 8 to our September 12 meeting at 6 pm at the Scripps Office building to hear community concerns. No charge for parking, all residents, workers and property owners are welcome. The address is 10010 Campus Pointe Drive, first floor, meeting room.

Bring your concerns to the meeting OR CALL Cal Trans director Lori Berman, 619-688-6669 or call I-5 project manager, Allan Kosup 619-688-3611. Stand up for our community – we need to protect our community. Too much construction stress. State your concerns.

*8/15/17 article in the Union Tribune divulged that CalTrans is initiating a study on the feasibility of building railroad tunnels through University City and Rose Canyon to support and enhance rail service.

The agenda for the September 12 UCPG meeting is available at

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From the SD Union Tribune: Folks in Southern California may someday be able to ride the Coaster or Pacific Surfliner trains through a tunnel under the Westfield UTC — a project that could shorten travel times and include an underground transit station at the mall.


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