Courtesy of Ray Vance:
On Saturday, 9/9/17, we’ll have a UCUC San Diego Blood Bank Bloodmobile Blood Drive at the Sprouts/Starbucks UC Marketplace on Governor Drive from 8:00am – 1:30pm. You’ll find the Bloodmobile in the center of the parking lot.
If you know you’re coming, you can sign up at www.mysdbb.org. Spontaneous Blood Donors and Blood Buddies are also welcome and I recommend that you pop in between 11:00am-1:00pm, as that’s the general slow time with the fewest reservations. Also, the Bloodmobile door shuts at exactly 1:30pm, so you have to begin the process before then.
And the next UCUC San Diego Blood Bank Blood Drives at the Sprouts/Starbucks Marketplace will be on Saturdays: November 4, January 13, March 10, and May 12. All 8+ Weeks Apart for your Perpetual Bloodletting Pleasure. The rest of the 2018 Dates are in process of getting locked in, and with UC’s reputation, we have good odds of getting the good dates. THANK YOU, UC! Always give 100%, except when giving blood.
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