Happy Fourth of July! Congratulations to all of our 2017 graduates!
I hope everyone is planning to attend the very wonderful Fourth of July family event at Standley Park. Please stop by the UCCA/”Imagine UC 2020″ booth to say hi, grab a cup of ice water, and for information and updates on current community projects and activities taking place this summer. Thanks to the Standley Park Rec. Council, Staff, and the “Celebration” committee for all the work done to make this great community tradition event happen.
UCCA has been very busy this past month. You’ll find photos of various activities throughout the July newsletter.
We hope to be recipients of a San Diego County grant to expand our new “community” banners at new locations with new partners this coming year. You may have noticed a 4th of July banner next to our post office and banner poles in the Bristol Farms parking lot.
We were happy to announce at our June meeting that Westfield/UTC donated $2,500 as our first major corporate membership to support UCCA’s community activities.
Our Board approved a letter being sent to the Union Tribune’s “letter to the editor” reflecting UCCA’s support for the many home-owners who are seeking a process for communicating concerns with Miramar, MCAS. Refer to the complete, unedited letter on page 4 of the July newsletter.
UCCA is proud to be a major sponsor of the August 1st, National Night Out fundraiser dance marathon for San Diego police to be held at Standley Park.
The “hearing” regarding the Regents Road Bridge removal from the “community plan” is scheduled for August 11.
And for the nearly 200 UCCA newsletter and neighborhood watch volunteers, mark your calendars for Sunday, August 13 for our annual recognition event at the Standley Park summer concert.
Our July UCCA meeting is Wednesday, July 12, at 6 PM, at the Library on Governor. And, keep in mind that the July/August newsletter is the last for the Summer. Our next newsletter will be released in September with an ad and features deadline of August 17.
We wish you a very safe and wonderful summer. Remember, “University City is more than just a neighborhood.”
To download a PDF version of the newsletter, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives
For more University City News, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org
For more information about the UC 4th of July Celebration, visit http://uccelebration.com/