Courtesy of the University City Garden Club:
Carol Costarakis and Rolf Haas have graciously agreed to have us at their lovely home on June 10, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Their home is in the 5500 block of Sandburg Avenue in University City, San Diego, 92122. All gardeners and those interested in gardening are welcome to attend. On the evening of the meetup, follow the posted signs on Sandburg Avenue.
We are calling it a Twilight Gathering because Carol and Rolf have added special lighting to their yard. Carol is an interior designer and their yard has been featured in San Diego Home and Garden Magazine. They have a magical and creative back yard with a koi pond and many mosaic items created by Carol. Carol will speak and her “electrical wizard”, Chuck, will also be speaking on the newly installed lighting.
President Ginger Steketee will speak on our exciting summer activities which are in the planning stages and most importantly our double booth for the UC Garden Club plant sale at the 4th of July Celebration at Standley Park. Help is essential for this adventure.
We are planning serving hors d’oeuvres. Ginger and I would like help with the snacks. If you are be willing to bring a snack, please email me letting me know what you like to bring.
Contact Marilyn Mehr, Historian, at ucgardenclub@gmail.com.
Image of Carol Costarakis and Rolf Haas from October, 2015, Garden Club meetup.
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-garden-club/