Courtesy of Ginger Steketee, president, UC Garden Club:
The UC Garden Club is jumping into Summer activities with gusto!
We will be hosting a double booth of stupendous plants and garden accessories at the 4th of July Celebration, donated by Dan McCoy, owner and a realtor in University City at Paragon Realty.
These estate plants Dan acquired for us are WOW quality. We will couple these fantabulous beauties with the healthy and lovely plants our members have cultivated just for the Celebration. It’s sure to be our best presentation yet!
We are pleased to announce that the Linda Vista Village Garden Club is now one of our associated clubs and will join us in all our fun activities. Of special note, the Garden Club is asking for volunteers to host 2017 meet ups. We are also hoping any community members wishing to attend meet ups also let us know; all are invited. Please contact us at 858-836-1441.
Lastly, but not least, with regret we release Bob Byrnes, our hard-working treasurer/communications board member, who chooses to share his talents in new avenues. Bob has been a huge part of the Garden Club success. Many kudos to Bob.
For related information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-garden-club/
For more information about the UC 4th of July Celebration, visit http://uccelebration.com/
Photo from 2015 4th
of July Celebration at Standley Park.