June 2017 President’s message from Barry Bernstein

June 2017 newsletter covers

Summer is almost here…and our school children will be out and about for the next few months. Congratulations to all of our graduates!

As you know the month of May had some very sobering events in our community…and our first responders deserve to be recognized and thanked for their heroism and professionalism. [Featured image L-R: UCCA president Barry Bernstein with SDPD Northern Division Captain Tina Williams and Community Services Officer Brandon Broaddus.]

The branch library on Governor Drive was able to complete their technical upgrade on schedule. Goodbye Dewey Decimal…hello to a fast and easy to use electronic system. UCCA and the Standley Park Rec. Council joined forces to design new street banners…and those cute kindergarten students from Spreckels can also be seen on the San Diego County Fair banners. “Primos” restaurant, (next to Starbucks), opened…enjoy some great Mexican food.

Thank you to Barbara Gellman, UCCA’s Neighborhood Watch coordinator, for all of her efforts associated with the May 20th Cyber Defense symposium held at the Our Mother of Confidence Church. The Vons Monopoly game is finally over. My grandson Sam and I spent far too much time tearing at the perforation and almost always discovering a duplicate!

UCPG will have three important agenda items to discuss at their scheduled Tuesday, June 13 meeting. The UCSD growth/expansion plans, the possible medical effect of “clustered” cell-phone towers at or near public parks/schools, and a visit with Colonel Jason Woodworth, the commanding officer at Miramar, MCAS. UCCA’s subcommittee will be asking the Colonel about the F-35C jet aircraft flying out of Miramar and its impact on our residents/schools.

Plans for the University City 4th of July “Celebration” are well underway. (See back page of print newsletter for information). UCCA, Costa Verde Shopping, and La Jolla Historical Society, are major contributors to this great Standley Park community event. Special thanks to the two new co-chairs, Randall Tonini and Jemma Samala, for their volunteer efforts in keeping this wonderful tradition alive for all of us to enjoy.

Congratulations to committee chair John Lee Evans and the “Imagine UC 2020” committee for the latest approval by the City Park and Recreation Department. See page 13 of the print newsletter for further information.

UCCA will be at the June 13 County Board of Supervisors to formally request funds for our street banners. Diane Ahern, UCCA vice-president, who has been coordinating the grant application will make the presentation.

Our next UCCA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 14…hope to see you there.

PS: I was asked by our beautification committee to remind everyone about the upkeep of their property…all the way down to the curbs! Remember University City is “more than just a neighborhood”.

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Contact US: 2017 UCCA Board Members

Executive Board:

  • President: Barry Bernstein, apdrfn@aol.com, 858-453-3713
  • Vice-President: Diane Ahern, ahern.diane@gmail.com
  • Secretary: Karen Martinez, kmartinez1957@att.net
  • Treasurer: Don Hotz, don.hotz@yahoo.com

Appointed Positions:

  • Beautification: Merle Langston, Chair, mberman@san.rr.com, and Barbara Gellman, Co-Chair, bggellman@yahoo.com
  • Corresponding Secretary: OPEN
  • Historian & Holiday Tree Lighting Coordinator: Darlene Ventimiglia, darleneven@yahoo.com
  • Membership: Hallie Burch, UCCAmembership@gmail.com
  • Neighborhood Watch: Barbara Gellman, bggellman@yahoo.com
  • Newsletter Chair/Distributor: Valerie O’Neill, voneill95@yahoo.com
  • *Newsletter Ads: Terri Day, uccaADS@hotmail.com
  • *Newsletter Editor: Jemma Samala, UCCAEditor@gmail.com
  • Publicity & Promotion: Diane Ahern, ahern.diane@gmail.com
  • Parliamentarian and Improve UC Rep.: Mack Langston, mack@pacificcoastcommercial.com
  • Special Events/Banner: Barbara Henshaw, barbarahenshaw@ymail.com
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*Non-Voting Member


University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️