CPUC Scoping Meetings regarding the proposed 47-mile Natural Gas Pipeline


From California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC):

The CPUC is conducting Public Scoping Meetings for the Pipeline Safety and Reliability Project (PSRP) this week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 23, 24 and 25.

The applicants propose to construct a new 36-inch natural gas pipeline (Line 3602) that would carry natural gas from SDG&E’s existing Rainbow Metering Station in Rainbow, California to land within Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar. The proposed project also includes de-rating, or lowering the pressure of, SDG&E’s existing Line 1600 to convert its function from transmission to distribution.

The approximately 47-mile proposed route of the San Diego Natural Gas Pipeline (Line 3602) extends south from the proposed Rainbow Pressure-Limiting Station, which is located approximately 50 feet south of the SDG&E’s existing Rainbow Metering Station, through the cities of Escondido, San Diego, and Poway, and unincorporated communities of San Diego County, and terminates on federal land within MCAS Miramar. Approximately 87% (approximately 41 miles of the proposed pipeline) would be installed in urban areas within existing roadways and road shoulders; the majority of the new pipeline would generally follow the alignments of U.S. Route 395, Interstate 15, and Pomerado Road.

The remaining 6 miles would be installed cross-country on federal and privately owned land. The pipeline will be installed 42-inches below ground surface using conventional trenching methods in urban and cross-county areas. The pipeline would cross several major roadways, including I-15, and water features, including the San Luis Rey River, Lake Hodges, Reidy Canyon Creek, and Escondido Creek. At these crossings, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and horizontal boring methods are proposed to reduce impacts on roadways and water features.

For more information about the meetings as well as maps and copies of recent letters submitted by MCAS Miramar, visit http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/environment/info/ene/sandiego/sandiego.html

For posts related to MCAS Miramar, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/miramar/

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