UCPG: March Summary and April Agenda


Courtesy of Nancy Groves, UCPG Rep District 1:


The SDPD led the pledge of allegiance, and were thanked from the Las Palmas community representative and a UCPG member for diligently investigating burglaries. A landowner commended the homeless outreach for removing the drug dealers from property along Gilman Drive south of UCSD. The SDPD officers offered the information that they provide for services for the homeless called “Quality of Life” groups for all of San Diego.

Chair Janay Kruger announced a city Community Housing Committee, FedEx parking lot East of 805 has a public hearing to get city approval, and the McDonalds in Costa Verde is being renovated for the next 6-8 weeks.

SANDAG Mid Coast Trolley update: The plan is to widen the northbound side of Genesee for the next 4-6 months, followed by the southbound and drilling holes for the viaduct along Genesee and by the VA. During March, the drilling is started along Regents and Genesee, westbound to UCSD. Negotiations with La Paz and La Jolla Colony are continuing about road closure for seven weeks closed completely or keep half lanes open for 14 weeks. The contractor prefers the 14-week plan for drivers’ convenience. They are currently removing shrubs and trees on I-5 and Genesee to accommodate the widening and are working with property owners about the tree replacements.

SANDAG Rose Canyon update: The plantings that were contracted did not live up to what the community had been told. The contractor maintained that phase 1 plantings had rooted and looked good and that phase 2 plantings had not yet kicked in. However, Debbie Knight of Friends of Rose Canyon said that was not the case; the plantings look awful and weeds are bigger than the plants. In addition, the invasive plants have not been removed as promised. A planning group member also mentioned that the broken city storm drain, the west end fiber line is in the wrong place, and the grading at the west end. The path down needs repair and the orange fungus needs to be removed. The contractor will look in to it.

Reports: Barbara Bry’s representative welcomed comments for the Budget Review Committee hearing. The three Community Advisory Boards will meet quarterly and Bry’s office will continue participation in the U.C. community clean up.

Scott Peters’ representative reported that Peters held a town hall at Clairemont High School with 600 attendees. Peters is on the Energy and Commerce Committee reviewing the AHC but waiting for the CBO score. There was discussion about the AHC act; Peters wants to repeal the medical device tax. Janay mentioned that the 600-800 companies in Biocom feel that Peters supports their point of view and is also a supporter of SIO.

The Illumina Campus in Nobel Research Park is working on a site development permit, community plan, and entitlements for adding a 10- story building. The architect presented a power point of the expansion plans, which would amend the 1995 plan for the 42-acre site. Currently there are 6 buildings of 5 stories each and 1 parking structure; the plan is to add a 7th building and a second parking structure. The parking structure will have louvers to obscure the cars and allow airflow. The ten-story building would be 350,000 sq. ft. primarily for research and development but will also have some office space and one floor for amenities. It will be energy and water efficient, use clean renewable solar energy, have anti- reflective coating on the glazing and provide open green space for baseball, volleyball, and basketball. Parking was discussed since they added 987 ADT’s not previously allocated or transferred. Illumina supports the super loop to transit station, SANDAG, and provides incentives for bike walk and transit use. Next time they will come back with a site development plan and their construction schedule and show how plans will impact traffic.

UCPG Board Member Election Results: Business representatives: 1A- John Bassler (3), 2A- Ash Nasseri (2), 3A- Ryan Perry (1); Resident representatives: 1A – Meagan Beale (290), Katie Rodolico (28), 2A- Janay Kruger (8), 3A- Donna Andonian (4)

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 11, 6:00pm Scripps Office Bldg., 10010 Campus Pointe Drive. (Enter to right of bldg. to free parking lot and entrance.)

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UCPG April agendas and meeting minutes are available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/

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