Spring Egg Hunt and more at Standley Recreation Center


Courtesy of the Standley Park Recreation Staff:

The Standley Spring Egg Hunt will be Saturday April 8. The egg hunt for all ages will start a 10 am. Ages are 10 and under. We will have face painting, arts/crafts, egg coloring and more. Of course, there will be a visit by the Spring Bunny. Please bring your own basket to collect the eggs.

Youth Classes

  • Aikido: Tues, 7-10 yrs 5-6:00pm; Thurs, 11-15 yrs 5-6:00pm. $120/12 wks
  • Art: Tues, 2-2:45pm 3-5 yrs; 3:30-4:45pm 6-10 yrs. $20/4 wks
  • Cooking: Wed, 1-2:00 pm, 6-11 yrs $20/4 wks
  • Pee Wee Sports: Thurs 4-4:45pm, 3-7 yrs $20/4 wks
  • Tap & Jazz Dance: contact www.civicdancearts.org
  • Youth Tennis: contact www.ucrctennis.com
  • Master Sports: contact www.MasterSports.com
  • Jamie’s Tiny Tots: Monday-Friday; 3-5 yrs 9:30 am -12:30 pm; more info www.JamiesTinyTots.com
  • Drama Kids: Thursday March 2-April 27; 3-5 yrs; 12-15 yrs and 6-11 yrs. $129/8 wks. For Drama class you can register at dramakids.com/ca1/d. For more information call 619-846-2407 or email sandiegodramakids@gmail.com.

Adult Classes

  • Aikido: Tue, (beginning) 16 up 6:30-8:30 pm; Thurs (advance) 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat (mixed levels) 10:30am-12:30. $120.00 12 wks.
  • Yoga: Monday, (beginning) 6-8 pm; Wed, (intermediate) 6-8 pm $210/12 wks. Sat. (mixed level) 10:30am -12, $96/6 wks.
  • Senior Bridge & Pinochle Cub meets every Friday 9:00am to 12 noon. Free.
  • Gourmet Cooking Class; Fri, 6-7 pm $ 38/monthly
  • Coed V-ball league: contact farid@volleyballetc.com
  • Men’s basketball League: contact anthonylachica@gmail.com
  • Softball leagues contact: www.govavi.com/softball
  • Monday&Tuesday League contact: Pete McNamara,858.453.6208

For more information come by the recreation center or go to www. sandiego.gov . You can register online at: www.SDRecConnect.com, search Standley Recreation Center.

Refer to the Program Guide at Standley Park Spring 2017 Program Guide

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/

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