Courtesy of Susan Castronovo:
Dust off your Dancing Shoes! University City High School will be having Friday Night Dancing sponsored by the UCHS PTSA.
Put these dates for dancing on your calendar and go to the gym at 6949 Genesee Ave. ready to grove and move on these Fridays: St Patrick’s Day starts the spring dances on March 17, with the “Wear Something Green to Swing” Dance from 6:30-9:30 PM.
Then more dances on March 31, April 28, May 12, and June 9, starting at 7 PM.
Attend any one dance or attend them all. Everyone is welcome, at any dance. All ages and all levels! Couples are welcome but no partner is necessary. Arriving solo is fine.
Attire: casual or business casual. Shoes: dress flats and business shoes, or any sneaker or boat shoe. Please, no high heels on wood gym floor.
The dance is a great environment for beginners too, to learn the basics of West Coast Swing, California’s official state dance. Each night of dance will begin with a lesson followed by “open social dancing”…a fine opportunity to practice and meet new friends.
This is a fundraiser for UCHS PTSA. Please help us “get the word out” by telling your friends and neighbors who also may be interested. Have fun dancing while supporting the UCHS PTSA.
Tickets are sold at the door. Cost is $10 per dancer general admission, $5 with any school’s student ID.
Photo is from the 2016 dance season.
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