UCCA February Meeting Summary by Barry Bernstein


At the UCCA February 8 meeting at the Community Library on Governor, the audience had a chance to hear Fire Chief Dave Connors review the status of Fire/Rescue response times, as well as his announcement of the addition of a brush control unit to be working in the South UC area.

New representative from CA State Senator Toni Atkins’ office, Chenille-Tate, was in attendance and she explained how busy our State Senate has been in its early weeks of work in their discussions related to possible new government regulations.

Bridger Langful, Councilwoman Barbara Bry’s representative to UC, gave his report on recent storm damage and a reminder for Barbara Bry’s first “Office Hours” on Saturday.

Brian Elliot, Scott Peter’s representative, announced the new congressional committee assignments for Scott Peters, and provided information related to the elimination of the WebTrak app, which tracked flights in and out of Miramar.

Our UCCA Board authorized donations of $1,000 each to UC High’s Swim Team as well as to the support of UC High’s Music Department’s Spring Showcase. The Marcy Park Project request was put on hold for further review later in the Spring. New requests for funds were received from UC Mesa del Sol Girls’ Softball and “ImproveUC 2020”.

UCCA President Barry Bernstein announced that the Standley Park Rec. Council did NOT endorse the proposed “joint-use” field at Curie Elementary. The City’s Park and Rec will decide next month if to move forward on the project. He said there was no further information related to the “Citizen’s for Regents Road Bridge” law suit to report*.

Barry also reminded everyone about the planned work to be done on Genesee Ave. the next few weeks. Diane Ahern, UCCA Vice-President, reviewed new county grant applications to support continued work on street banners and electrical box painting. She will be seeking Standley Park Rec Council’s support for publicizing special community events with street banners.

Barbara Gellman, our Neighborhood Watch chair, announced some tentative plans to coordinate with both Clairemont and La Jolla Rec Councils to support SD Police on the August 1 National “Nite Out” with a fundraising dance event. For complete meeting information, go to our UCCA website: universitycitynews.org.

*About the lawsuit regarding Community Plan amendment City, the official filing of the lawsuit against the San Diego City Council, which voted 6-2 to support the Community Plan Amendment to remove the Regents Road Bridge and the Widening of Genesee, has now been received and documented by the Court. A hearing of August 4, 2017 has been set. This legal action will temporarily freeze any action to allocate funds from the University City DBA/DIF accounts, as well as stall the planned development of a new Community Plan. UCCA will continue to provide updates as needed.

UCCA’s next meeting will be March 8, 6:00pm, at the University Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. All are welcome; hope to see you there!


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