Do you Love Baseball? Little League seeks Volunteer Umpires


Courtesy of Hardy Gold, UCLL Umpire in Chief:

While we all tuned into football’s play-offs and pondered the unplugging of the Chargers, University City’s little leaguers were forming teams and readying themselves for a new season of baseball.

You can be a part of it by becoming a volunteer umpire. UC Little League is now recruiting. The league will provide training and uniforms. UC Little League is seeking volunteers, age 15 to 105 (though they are flexible on the upper age limit).

Juniors games, age 14 and up, are at UC Gardens’ McElroy Field at the east end of Governor Drive, and run seven innings. Intermediate, age 11 to 13, are at Fort Field, on Governor just west of the Standley Recreation Center, and games are six innings. Minors games, age 8-10, are played at Jim Carl Field, between Swanson Pool and Standley Middle School, and run six innings.

Volunteer umpires can be a part of as much of or as little as they can take on. Volunteer umpires will be paired with professional umpires for the older players’ divisions, and with youth umpires for the younger players’ games.

UC Little League is looking for volunteer umpires who are willing to learn the basics, who can be fair to all, decisive, and have a love of the game and our community. UC Little League is committed to making the little league experience fun for all players, with the goal to find umpires who will join in that commitment.

Anyone interested in signing up or wanting more information can contact UCLL Umpire in Chief Hardy Gold at or call at 858.699.9534.

UCLL opening day is Saturday, March 4 at Standley Park. For information, visit

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