From San Diego Union Tribune, February 14, 2017:
San Diego’s crime rate last year was the second-lowest in 47 years, city officials said Tuesday.
The rate of violent crime dropped by nearly 5 percent, the lowest in four decades.
Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman credited police-community partnerships and focused crime-fighting for the positive trend.
The result, she said, was 785 fewer crime victims in 2016 than the year before.
Read the entire article by Pauline Repard, including the police department’s 2,000 community partnerships such as Neighborhood Watch, the psychological response teams, homeless outreach and working with Special Olympics, at http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/sd-me-sandiego-crime-20170214-story.html
View the complete Crime Brief 2016 at https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3461896-CrimeBriefing2016.html