LWSD 31-Day Challenge #25: Inquire About Becoming or Getting a Mentor!


From Live Well San Diego:

What is a mentor? A mentor is someone who takes the time to show you the ropes, like a teacher or a supervisor. You weren’t born knowing how to drive a car or how to get a job. Someone had to show you how it should be done. Becoming a role-model for someone can help them achieve greater self-sufficiency and success in life.

Perhaps there’s a supervisor at your job that you would like to learn more from. Maybe you have a niece or nephew that you can spend more time with. Assess your situation and decide what you need or if you can help someone else.

These Live Well San Diego Recognized Partners offer mentorship programs:

  • Boys to Men Mentoring
  • The County of San Diego’s Foster Youth Mentor Program
  • San Diego Black Nurses Association
  • San Diego OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring/Mentoring program
  • Vets’ Community Connections
  • Casa de Amparo
  • MANA de San Diego
  • City of San Diego

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