From CBS 10 News, Jon Horn, posted January 10; excerpt:
Everyday thousands of cars speed up and down Regents Road – many heading to and from the 52.
David Terzibachian sees them all from his bedroom.
“I hear accidents and run to my window and run down and see if i can help,” he said.
So when he spotted construction equipment across the street – he got hopeful a traffic light would come in.
But it’s not a traffic light that’s proposed for the largely undeveloped east side of Regents Road south of Governor Drive.
Instead, a local couple wants to build a single-family home, with a detached guesthouse and garage into the hillside (at 5807 Regents Road).
If that happens, some neighbors say things could get dangerous, along more than just the main road.
View video and read complete news item at http://www.10news.com/news/proposed-hillside-home-worries-residents
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/
Note: Discussion of the proposal was on the January 10, 2017, University Community Planning Group meeting agenda: Information Item: 5807 Regents Rd. Single Family Home, Owner: Jahangir Vamid, City of San Diego sold the property to Vamid Family. 15 Minute Presentation, then Q&A